You have big things waiting.

Big things like a life where you are inspired and motivated to step into your full potential. life with more fulfillment, satisfaction and enjoyment in your day-to-day, no matter what the world throws at you. A life full of meaning, joy, possibility and confidence. 

It’s easy to fall into the waiting trap. Waiting for the stars to align. Waiting for the right time to make a change. Expecting that if you can just achieve the next thing, or reach the next goal, you’ll finally feel happy and satisfied. Going through the same motions day after day, without making significant progress on your goals.

Or worse – making progress and reaching the goals you thought you wanted, but still feeling bored, stuck, burned out, or lost in the present, waiting for that better future to arrive.

If you’re ready to start making significant progress on your goals, and to start enjoying the process along the way, then you’re in the right place! 

My name is Lissa, and I’m a Certified Professional Coach. I can help you gain a new level of understanding of yourself; your patterns, motivations and the blocks that are holding you back. We’ll go deep and get curious, to help you reconnect with yourself and what you actually want, and take action to get it, whatever ‘it’ is for you.

At its core, coaching is a guided journey of self-discovery where together, we will:

  honestly evaluate your current state,

  identify and shift your self-limiting beliefs, behaviours and perspectives,

  discover, embrace and leverage your strengths, skills and values,

  set meaningful goals, and design and implement plans to achieve them, and

  move your life forward in a way that is powerful, sustainable and kind to yourself.

We’re all capable of big things; let’s find out what yours are!

About Lissa

Hi There!

My name is Lissa Lawrence, and I’m a Certified Professional Coach trained by CTI,  the world’s leading ICF-Accredited coach training institute. I’m a 30-something professional living and working in Nova Scotia, Canada. Trained in environmental science and biology, science education, project management, and coaching, I’m also an avid reader, self-development junkie, nature- and animal-lover, and ukulele player.

As a coaching client, I’ve reconnected with parts of myself that I had lost, shifted my perfectionistic and self-sabotaging behaviours, and brought balance and ease back to my life quicker than I ever thought possible. You can ready more of my story over on the Blog.

Now, my mission is to empower people, especially new and growing millennial leaders, to intentionally create a successful, balanced, and joyful life in a way that feels authentic and meaningful for them.

Each coach has a unique voice and approach, and mine uses flavours of science, ancient ideas, and a penchant for finding the bright side (which I like to call ‘Yaysaying’) to help my clients honestly evaluate their current state, set meaningful goals, and take significant and powerful steps forward in a way that is non-judgmental and kind to themselves.

If my story resonates with you, or if you think we’d make a great coach-client fit, I’d love to hear from you. Get in touch for a complimentary consultation.

About Coaching

Coaching Is:

 1. A custom-designed partership in a thought-provoking, creative process that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential.

2. A series of one-on-one, confidential meetings designed to help you achieve your goal(s).

3. A unique opportunity to focus and move forward by exploring ideas and having candid conversations with an attentive, encouraging, accepting, and unbiased thinking and dreaming partner.

Coaching Offers:

1. An opportunity to increase your sense of well-being, contentment, and self-peace.

2. Tools to identify and live in alignment with your core values, desires, and sense of purpose.

3. Increased productivity, intrinsic motivation, and confidence.

4. Improved relationships with yourself, with others, and with the world and circumstances around you.

You can read more about the benefits of coaching here.

You’ve still got


…and that’s great! Curiosity and frank discussion are essential in any coaching environment. Frequently asked questions are below, and if I haven’t answered your question here, I’d love to hear from you!


If you’re ready to shift something in your life, business, career and/or relationships; to have someone to help you brainstorm, set, plan for and hold you accountable to goals that you are actually excited about; to do the work and to boldly step forward into the unknown and unexpressed parts of yourself, then you’re ready for coaching!


Nope. A great coach and a great therapist might use some of the same skills, but the two professions focus on different things and are based on different sets of core principles. Coaching focuses on what is present now and what is possible in the future; therapy tends to focus on the past. Coaching holds that the client is the ultimate expert in their own life, and as such, coaches do not direct or diagnose. Coaches are trained to work with functioning clients; i.e. clients that are not suffering from major mental illnesses. A coach will refer a client to other trained professionals, like therapists, if the client is struggling with issues beyond the scope of the coach’s training and competency.


A coach facilitates self-conversation; they can help you tap into parts of yourself that you’ve lost connection with, or that you haven’t discovered yet. Doing solo work and applying the general principles of coaching to your life will certainly be beneficial, but having someone there with you who can skillfully create and hold space for you to explore will allow you go much deeper, faster. A great coach can equip you with new perspectives and strategies that can get you where you want to be more quickly than if you go it alone. Your coach will help you develop powerful, broadly applicable skills like joyful self-connection, confident decision-making, emotional fluency, and the ability to face your limitations without fear. Coaching empowers you to take action and craft the life you want to live, while navigating uncertainty and practising new ways of being; something that’s tough to do alone.


The cost of coaching varies widely, depending on the coach’s area of expertise, experience, training and certification, and the structure of the coaching arrangement. If you are interested in working with me, please send me a message and we can start a conversation about level of investment and payment options.

Get Coached.


Let’s Talk

Get in touch below to ask questions or schedule a consultation. 

If you’re interested in scheduling a coaching session, or if you have questions that I haven’t answered on this website,  please send me a message using the form below.

Never been coached before? No problem! Coaching is best experienced by trying it out, rather than reading about it on a website. Your complimentary consultation will give you a taste of what coaching with me is like, will help us get acquainted, and will give you the chance to ask any lingering questions you might have. It will usually last approximately 45 minutes. If we both feel that we’re a great fit for each other, we’ll talk about pricing and logistics.


I cannot say enough positive things about the year I spent working with Lissa. It really helped me see my life, my goals, and my blocks in an entirely different way. I can now see why I stop myself from going for the things I want and recongize how to push past my hesitation. Coaching with Lissa isn’t an overnight success story, more of a start to a lifelong journey towards building the life I want for myself.  I would recommend embarking on this work to anyone who has a lot of ideas for their future, but has no idea where to start. I would also like to mention that Lissa is very enjoyable to talk to, and makes it feel like you’re talking to a very professional and knowledgeable friend who keeps you focused and accountable.

Alexis J.

I have been working with Lissa as my coach for 6 months now.  Through our sessions she has helped me to connect into my inner leader, opening me up to the possibilities and unlocking my potential to grow and develop both professionally and personally.  We began by exploring and naming my values, creating a more clear picture of who I am and who I want to be.  In each session we would work through an issue or a challenge that I was facing, bringing it back to my vision, finding solutions and setting commitments on next steps.  As your coach, Lissa develops your partnership, an alliance that helps you to work together to unlock what’s within.  It is a highly powerful, impactful and positive experience.

Lissa is a wonderful coach.  She’s engaged, asks great questions and puts you at ease.  She makes it easy to develop a high level of trust as you develop your coaching partnership. Working together, Lissa tailors each session to fit with you and your goals, employing a variety of techniques and tools that you can use to work through your challenges.  I have been able to extend and apply what I have learned through our coaching sessions to new challenges and issues.  I highly recommend Lissa as a coach. 

Deanna N.

Lissa worked with me for 6 months and the results exceeded all my expectations. Our conversations touched many different topics, including relationships, fitness, eating habits, social media etc. Our central topic was my desire for growth as musician. She helped me identify and remove a number of self-imposed obstacles which were preventing me from reaching my goals. I was given many tools and experienced several epiphanies that transformed the way I think. I experienced a significant improvement in literally everything we discussed. Most importantly, I feel that I’ve achieved the musical growth rate that I have longed for, for many years. Thank you Lissa!

Greg G.

I feel compelled to express my gratitude to Lissa for helping me navigate some deep-seated negative habits that were holding me back from being the person I want to be. Her coaching was never about analyzing why I had these habits, but rather how to move forward via a series of unique goal-setting exercises.

My perpetual habit of being overwhelmed in almost every area of my life was chunked down into new “micro-habits” that I was able to work on after each session. (Even the thought of ‘goal setting’ was overwhelming to me!) At first, some of the goals I set were seemingly ridiculously small, but what an astonishing outcome resulted as these micro-habits layered up into sustainable, new habits.

I think the best part about our 6-month coaching sessions is that I now know how to transfer these new-found skills into all areas of my life.

A key component in this was recognizing, acknowledging and responding to my own negative self-talk. In other words, I learned how to stop talking myself out of my own excuses for not being where I want to be in my life. This was not always comfortable for me, but Lissa’s kind, soothing approach was conducive to me plugging away and reaching the desired outcome. As it turns out, you can ‘teach an old dog new tricks’ and for this I am forever grateful.

Shelley G.

Coaching with Lissa was an absolute pleasure! She excels at seeing the big picture, interconnection across various topics, and getting to what’s important underneath. Lissa has helped me get in touch with new parts of myself, clarify what matters to me in creating my own business, and empower me to follow through on them. Her gentle and grounded style provides a safe and powerful space to allow your deeper self to be seen, heard, and honored.

Lauren D.

I cannot understate the value of the coaching I have received from Lissa! I had previously received coaching under a different model, and I can honestly say that both Lissa and the CTI co-active coaching model provided me with some of the most profound insights I’ve ever had about myself. Lissa is an absolutely lovely person – she is warm, compassionate, and thoughtful. Her genuine curiosity about me and my thoughts/feelings created a safe space for me to work through some really challenging issues. As a person who thinks out loud, one of my challenges is that I struggle to articulate what I want to discuss or accomplish in advance of a session. I was so appreciative of how this never fazed Lissa, she was completely comfortable going on the journey with me and the CTI model completely allowed space for this.
I found I really valued the emphasis the CTI model places on the coach remaining super present with you no matter what feelings come up, and know that I benefitted greatly from the space Lissa held for me to process my thoughts. I also really appreciated her masterful use of the vast range of tools, visualizations, and exercises which CTI provides – she was always able to suggest new and interesting ways to help me understand myself better. Throughout my coaching time, I learned to identify and co-exist with my saboteurs, connect with the wisdom of my future self, and curate more kindness toward myself in my every day life. I’m so grateful for these learnings!
For anyone unsure if they want to try coaching – it is truly one of the most beautiful gifts that you can give yourself, and will change your life if you let it. And if you are looking for a coach who thrives on empowering others to find more joy, you will love coaching with Lissa 🙂
Bethany K.